Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (English)

Worship Service
Our church service is worshipful, energetic, loving, and Christ-centered. We begin our worship with a time of praise and singing worship songs led by our dynamic praise team followed by announcements, prayer, and a life-guiding sermon from the Word. Service usually lasts an hour.
We want both the children and adults to enjoy an encouraging and inspiring time, so during worship service we offer children’s church program for your kids. This allows you to attend the worship service while your children enjoy an age-appropriate time of learning and fun.
Children are a blessing of the Lord. In children’s church, we provide a safe and fun environment for children to develop a relationship with Jesus through singing, praying, reading and listening to Bible stories, playing games, and making crafts. Our teachers love children. Having fun with children and preparing them to walk with the Lord is our children’s church goal – a balance between fun and growth. We look forward to meeting with your children.
Children’s church starts at the same time with the adult worship service every Sunday from 11:00 am and ends around 12:00 noon.